Please help in translation from Russian into English

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Описание: dedicated to Diagnostics of Karma by S.N. Lazarev

#1 AKRESS » Пн, 12 января 2015, 0:34

Wiki-DK — это мультиязычная вики-энциклопедия, посвящённая тематическому обобщению результатов исследований, изложенных в книгах и видеосеминарах автора серии работ «Диагностика кармы» и «Человек будущего» Лазарева Сергея Николаевича.

на англ.
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#21 Авалока » Вс, 18 января 2015, 19:28

Sirius, check one more time
Когда молодыми мы были богами — нас не волновало, что станется с нами! И в том, что мы делали — не сомневались, все двери — одна за другой — открывались!
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#22 Sirius » Вс, 18 января 2015, 19:43


угумс, чекнул, вроде теперь работает :)
...и пока на улицах Манилы грязно, мир устоит.
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#23 AKRESS » Вс, 18 января 2015, 23:15

Всё - усё работает... :smile:
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#24 Sirius » Пн, 19 января 2015, 17:42

Лазарев С.Н., Москва, 4.1.2008.

Lazarev, S. N., Moscow, 04.01.2008,

"So, one more thing. Now, a lot of things depends on correct direction of our outlook. But still there is a way of life, and there's food. This topic is important one.

The woman sent me a note. She writes: "I am confused. You write that for 3 months man, fed in "McDonald's", became an invalid (yes, I informed you about it). So what does turn out? It seems I am a believer, but the food affects us not the best way. Now here are several nuances, which I would like to stay.

Well, first let's start with GM products. Let's start with the most serious moments. I wrote about GM products, that they can bring a human to oncology. But I didn't think before, how do they affect the soul. I primarily watched from the viewpoint of physical health. The GM product is the destruction. Any product is of five layers: this is a pure substance, then calories, micronutrients, and then - most importantly - the energetics of higher layers and the information.

For example, the poison - everything is fine with calories there, but information is murderous, and, accordingly, if the people eat it, then they get problems appeared. This way informational aspect is very important. Much more important than calories and anything else.

Well, there an interesting article about GM products. "Genetically modified foods were first developed by american scientists 20 years ago.". I heard that experiments with genetic products had much more greater purpose, that is war. Biological war. They sent me an article GMO products, where was written that for a few years American health Foundation, together with Norwegian, it seems, in Colombia, in South America, spreaded special food additives, which were claimed as useful, and seemingly improved health... Later it turned out that women lose ability to give birth. And several millions of women stopped giving birth, because, as it turns out, if one more element to add to the composition, then the body begins destroying its child. And Americans conduct these experiments for twenty years already. Here it is...

"On the Russian food market, allowed 15 varieties of genetically modified products." So In Saratov scientists have conducted studies with two generations of mouses: Mature and young. It was found out that the mouses with diet, which included even only 10% of GM food, they got significant changes in morphology and cell structure of the internal organs. The obvious deformities and abnormalities in the development of baby-mouses were noticed, whose mothers ate GM soy. In addition, food has an impact on the number of pups in the brood and on the mortality of the offspring. The scientists drew attention to the increased aggressiveness of females - mother-mouses strangled and devoured their young." And so on...

That is, genetically modified foods not only cause the physical disintegration, but the problems with the soul, too. The rats begin to destroy their offspring. The additive of only 10%. I recently watched a TV show. In Russia, with the chaos and corruption of officials is possible to push any number of GM products here. As said, I believe, Rockefeller, or someone, - he said - "If you control energetics, then you control state. And if you control the food then you control the people." Now Russia, due to its immorality and venality, bribability of public officials, can get any amount of the most harmful product, whereas the consequences will affect not immediately.

Well, I liked the TV show, where were said that most of GM products is in the yogurt and in the sausage. Moreover, only one of all Moscow plants, who said that he has no GM products, is a plant named Mikoyan. And precisely this plant has 100% of GM products in its sausage. While nobody is responsible for the advertising. There is a footnote about human is not responsible for the advertising. The footnote can be placed at the ena of annotation to the product or can be not published at all. This way, all that said in advertising can be absolute lying, and nobody takes responsibility for it. So, the most dangerous products for today as I know are the pudding and yoghurt, where is a lot of genetically modified additives. This means that all these additives are being embedded in human's information structure.

Here is one more problem... When a human receives some information, he has a security system - he checks the information, assesses it by emotions, and then, if he does not like something, he doesn't take it into himself. But when the human eats, he has an only assessment of that is happening - the positive one. We eat billions of years. Therefore, when we take food, then information that food contents goes to the very depths of our subconscious. At the genetic level. Hence, if the food is flawed in the energetics layer, and informationally defected, then it is a disaster for our future generations.

The term "kosher food" at first is the information purity of the product. Why it was said that even two varieties of seeds not allowed to plant closely? The Torah, the old Testament says about this. Because when we mix two varieties of seeds (and because precisely human sows the seed), that seed is related to its energetics. And when we mix two varieties of seeds - they are defenseless to filth, if it presents on higher human's layers. And then, when people will eat this synthetic food, he will push this filth directly into the depths of the subconscious. This way, only the Lord God can do breeding with all that grows and lives on Earth, or Holy, if nobody else. And if an ordinary human makes it, he puts all his informational filth into his brainchild.

So what a conclusion can we do? In the coming years, there will be information that is received with the eating and that is circulating inside us - information, which is directed not to God, not to love, but to the selfish desires for the welfare, money and so on - all that information that was carried in the food by researchers and authors of these GM products. And this begins to happen nowadays.

if we'll turn to the statistics, we'll see that the nation who worships to well-being, self-interest more than others on Earth is the Americans. And you can imagine what kind of energetics is in any American medicine, product and so on. Not to mention about genetically modified foods.

Then, it turns out that at the present time for more than a year, now and in the future, we can get the giant problems through food."
...и пока на улицах Манилы грязно, мир устоит.
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#25 AKRESS » Пн, 19 января 2015, 20:30

Sirius - спасибо! :smile:
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#26 AKRESS » Ср, 21 января 2015, 12:56

Так - сегодня наконец-то появилась более-менее нормальная скорость сети у меня - займусь переносом... :smile:
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#27 AKRESS » Чт, 22 января 2015, 19:08

Sirius, большое спасибо - всё включил -Генетически_модифицированные_продукты - -Статьи_Wiki-DK,_переведённые_на_иностранные_языки - :smile:

Марианна - большое спасибо - отрывок включил - - пойду с картинками разбираться... :smile:
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#28 Sirius » Сб, 24 января 2015, 15:36


на здоровье :) идём дальше:

Лазарев С. Н., Самара, 31.05.2008 г., часть 1
Lazarev, S. N., Samara, 31.05.2008, (1)

"Actually, I haven't answered all questions yet. The issue is very serious. I'll read it one more time: "Now medicine often interfere in the Affairs of the Creator. Tell me - what can and can't do scientists-microbiologists?".

It is impossible to answer, what is possible and what is not. WHO can and WHO cannot? I'll explain. I explored genetically modified foods. The fact that the genes are changed is not so terrible. It is terrible when rearrangements of genes is done by imperfect human. Because in any work the product of creativity always takes the energy of the creator. And it continues his energy.

That is, if the Holy human, the real believer would be engaged with genetic modifications, then all that he does would be more or less harmonious - the products that he created in the selection, or even genetic modification. But when a scientist makes it, he puts all his greed, the dreams about money, all his imperfections and - anyway - focusing on a happy future, into his brainchild. In this case a scientist has a defective, superficial energetics. So if his energetics will pass into his subconscious, then he will die for one fraction of a second. Because modern energetics of the human's outlook is suicidal. And if it will get into the subconscious - he will die. It will happen very quickly: or immediate death, or cancer, and so forth.

And now look - he's got the superficial energetics and outlook, and they formed by the present world. He transmits it to the grain. When a human eats this grain, he receives the information by the intestine. Whereas the intestine is related with the subconscious, whose age counts hundreds of millions years old. This way, we affect the most depths of our subconscious - through food. What does this mean? This means that intaking of genetically modified foods will lead to the complete destruction of our descendants after some time. That's it. Only if the human is really internally believer, even if he unwittingly will eat up the GMO food sometimes (of course, from my viewpoint, it is extremely undesirable to do, but a human can be not informed because cheating or whatever), then the impact will be neutralized or will be least negative.

Now what are the scientists-microbiologists doing now... Human develops. He invades in the divine will. Earlier the dissection of human was prohibited. Because it is Divine. However people began to do the autopsy, to investigate. Or so: earlier it was not allowed to perceive what's going on at the sky - God is in control of planets there. Still, we overtake the laws. Answer me, who rotates the planets - God or the laws of inertia?... God through the laws of inertia. But the laws of inertia is one of the manifestations of the divine will. They can be broken.

This morning I was reading an article that they send the interplanetary spacecrafts "Pioneer 1", "Pioneer 2,", and it was turned out that when spacecrafts pass through the asteroid belt, a strange alternate acceleration and deceleration begins, and changes of the trajectory. And it says that the way in which interplanetary station go is calculated by the theory of relativity. And all is clearly confirmed up to a certain limit, but where is the asteroid belt, where was planet Phaeton, there is something strange - the laws are changing. And it says - or Einstein's theory is wrong, or you need to recognize a higher power. The scientists talk about this. That is, when the planet rotates, it moves on to the physical laws, the laws of inertia, in the second place, but first of all it happens in the divine will. There are no contradictions. But when we perceive these laws, we invade on the territory of the Divine. However if we internally harmonious, then this is a normal process of knowing God. But if we invade on the divine territory from a purely pragmatic ideas - then that is dangerous.

So, when the doctor makes the dissection of the abdominal cavity in order to save the human's life, it is normal. But when the offender cuts human's belly with a knife, due to his own selfish purposes, he is killer. Now modern scientists have an axe to grind, and therefore their experiments with a living cell, biology, are similar to experiments of killers. That's all.

That is, the development - it should be. But the development will simply kill the human, if he is selfish and unbelieving. His own discoveries will destroy him. Therefore, here not so much talking about the dangers of research and penetration into some area, how about the fact that the deep penetration for an unbeliever, selfish and imperfect human is mortal. Well, I think we will see the result of it, soon.
...и пока на улицах Манилы грязно, мир устоит.
Откуда: Москва
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#29 AKRESS » Сб, 24 января 2015, 23:35

Спасибо, Sirius!

Конечно - идём дальше...
Последний раз редактировалось AKRESS Ср, 30 декабря 2015, 15:00, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#30 AKRESS » Пт, 30 января 2015, 1:19

Sirius - большое спасибо - всё разместил - раз -Генетически_моди ... 2.80.94_an_English_translation - два - ... C_Samara.2C_31.05.2008_.281.29 - три -Статьи_Wiki-DK,_переведённые_на_иностранные_языки - если есть возможности и желание - с нетерпением ожидаем продолжения!
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