Please help in translation from Russian into English

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Описание: dedicated to Diagnostics of Karma by S.N. Lazarev

#1 AKRESS » Пн, 12 января 2015, 0:34

Wiki-DK — это мультиязычная вики-энциклопедия, посвящённая тематическому обобщению результатов исследований, изложенных в книгах и видеосеминарах автора серии работ «Диагностика кармы» и «Человек будущего» Лазарева Сергея Николаевича.

на англ.
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#3 Sirius » Пн, 12 января 2015, 7:46


сел переводить вот эту страницу:Аборт

13-14.04.2013, seminar of S.N.Lazarev, Sanct-Peterburg (the piece).

- Let me ask, I'm a mother, my son is 6 years old...

- So... "My son is much attached to soft toys, he sleeps with them, kisses and caresses them. He began to embrace and kiss girls at school (the boy of 6 years old) - girls began to reject him. I've explained him, that it's bad to stick forcedly to the girl when she doesn't want to, and there's necessary to consider the wishes of the other people. As a result, he's stopped sticking to girls, but he has found a boy, which he kisses now. He kissed girls on the cheeks, hands and body, whereas he kisses boy on his hands now. He goes on making declaration of love to the girls. In other words, he constantly needs in animate or inanimate object for caressing, and in demonstration of bodily attachment to somebody or something. He often tells that he loves somebody, but it often happens that he means two girls at once. Is it related to me somehow? I can't understand. Thanks you for answering."

- Indeed, this letter describes the process of desintegration and ruin of the Occidental civilization. Here is a diagnosis, that could be made out to Europe and USA. Do you wanna know, why does your child behave so? The answer is very simple. Is anybody able to say (the replication to the audience)?

- Actually, any human must have a certain quantity of the positive emotions. It is reasonable, normally and necessary. A human gets his emotions at three layers. Highest, fourth layer is a wholeness with God. It's related with the first layer, and it's a sense of happiness in the soul. The real hapiness is a happiness of a soul. We feel it if we love God. Through love to God and joining to Him we get basic love, basic energy and basic positive emotions, that don't depend on anything. Here is a fundamental aspect of such a thig that we call "happiness".

Second aspect of happiness is related with not a soul, but with a consciousness. It's a happiness when we have a house, a car, a talent, an intelligence. When we develop, when we control the territory - this is related with an instinct of self-preservation, and it gives a lot of the positive emotions, too.

Third layer of positive emotions is eating, sex, delight in connecting with near people. Connecting with near people can take place at three layers. There is a physiological layer, and there are higher levels. For example, sex can relate to animal layer only. In the other case sex can include not only animal layer, but the mental connecting, too. In the third case sex can include animal layer, the layer of mental connecting and the layer of the soul. It happens when sex implies love, the dialog, the self-sacrificingness - in this case all three layers are activated: a soul, a consciousness and a body.

Occidental civilization insensibly destroys the soul layer, bringing anything to a consciousness and a body, with an ultimate aim - the body layer only. The culture of Occidental civilization is a culture of show, as a total priority of money over anything. Money includes consciousness and body layers. At consciousness layer there are house, car, territory, talents, status, power and so on. At body level there are delights of differend kind. Conception of the soul conflicts with worship to instincts. In order to revive the soul it's necessary to moderate the instincts periodically, but the Occidental civilization is against it. Mammon demands destruction of a soul for the normal existing of a consciousness and a body. But if the soul has destructed - a consciousness and a body die, too. That's why logic of Occidental civilization is a logic of a cancerous growth.

So why the child likes the soft toys? Why does he caress and kiss the girls, and makes declaration of love to them?

The answer is very simple. At the soul layer the boy doesn't get the feelings. He has the half-paralyzed soul. And then he tries to get positive emotions somehow else. One boy will humble others and beat them - for getting delight. Other boy will get delight kissing girls and caressing soft toys. Further is the straight way to the homosexuality, drugs, alcohol and so on.

Then there's a question - why does the boy have a half-paralyzed soul? I've inspected the biofield of his mother... She had an abortions in past lifes. Why the mother's abortions make very dangerous, actually homosexual tendency for her child? Because the uncontrolled sex, sex for sex - is the straight way to pedophilia and homosexuality.

Why does a child have such a tragedy? What does the abortion? The answer is simple.

When a woman's first pregnancy interrupts the abortion - usually she does it because of something. As a rule, because of the worship of human happiness. If the delight or prosperous fate is more important than anything for her, or if she can't take insults from her husband and so on and so forth...

Now, if a woman is unable to forgive her husband and makes the abortion, then through the killing of love in herself repeatedly she reinforces the destruction programme husband and their children. If a woman wants to have children later and protects herself - it makes the program of destruction of their own children. If a woman has abortions, because she studies at institute and thinks that it's early to have children - it forms the program of destruction of their own children in favor of a successful life. The switch happens - the woman gets subconscious giant concentration and worship prosperous destiny. If a woman in order to be able to have fun, to travel, to enjoy sexual life to enjoy - makes abortion is inside a strongest focusing on lust, sexuality. And hence, there is a destruction of their own children.

I see the destruction programme children in the mother's biofield... and now I'm translating it into normal human language - what it means.

The program of destruction of their own children - is a dislike of children. This woman does not love their child, subconsciously, and this is killing him.

Refusing of love for another human is the wishing for his death, on the level of biofield these things are the same.

Now if a woman is unable to forgive her husband, if a woman had an abortion, or her mother and grandmother formed the tendency - so when she carries a baby in her belly, she already does not love him. She loves it - may be skin-deep - bit... but internally there is no love. And it kills the soul of the child.

When the mother does not love his child, his soul ceases to develop normally, his soul becomes miserable, his soul is suffering. And then he since childhood, tries to compensate for the lack of love and happiness in the soul, positive emotions through external aspects. He amplifying instincts, trying to compensate for the
deficiency of his soul. And then begins early fascination with sex, passion, substance abuse... the cult of eating, of delight.

So what is now happening in the West, this is a dead soul, forgotten about God, trying to live through the activation of the instincts - that is why we see everywhere the cult of sex and violence. In the West women have ceased to love their children. Therefore, parents rape their children, so the juvenile justice system withdraws children - and this process is intensifying further and further.

If the mother does not love his child, he already deprived. This child already is a future diabetic, cancer patient... homosexual, drug addict, criminal, and so on... Why in the West, women do not love their children? Because the woman was convinced that the most important happiness is not the family, not the children, and most importantly happiness is money, wealth, car, work, villa. It's a protestant theme. And the woman considers that three kids is a lot, cause she will look worse if she has three children - one child is enough. When a woman gives birth to only one child, it actively makes the program of destruction of the other children. On average, when a woman gives birth to two or three children, then she has fulfilled its purpose and is balanced. One child is the internal refusing of the next children. So when a family has one child in almost any woman subconsciously formed the destruction programme children - the next and that is already born. And when the mother mother does not love her child subconsciously, so than this child in the future becomes cancer patient, diabetic, pedophile, homosexual... criminal. At first such a child is offender in terms of the soul, and later sin becomes a crime. At first there is the renunciation of love, then sin, in the form of the worship of delight, envy, greed, and so on, then this sin leads to the fact that people are already starting to violate moral norms and administrative laws, and then criminal - he already kills, destroys and so on.

There is not written in the Bible about the dangers of abortion. In the Bible written about the crime, which is called murder, and it says that for the murder of man must suffer adequately. Abortion is almost welcome in the state... but the fact that every fifth woman dies during abortion is punished from on high for murder. Because the woman who does abortions, especially in youth, when the body gives you a tremendous amount of energy, when the body is ready to bear children, but the woman decided to bear later and begins to make abortion - the woman starts the destruction - destruction programme not only their own children but herself, too. And this process is clearly and closely associated with the worship of instincts. The stronger the woman concentrates on the delight, eating, sex, the quicker she will make abortion. The more the woman concentrates on money, wellbeing, self-importance, education, career, future - more likely she will make abortion. When a woman worships the instincts, she will hate a man who will humiliate instincts, saving her soul. And further is the road to nowhere...

Further it goes on from generation to generation, accumulates, and eventually there comes a collective infertility. Or just people die from an infection. For example, viral cough now gone. I have not heard about it at all in my life. There's virus, a human coughs - no fever, but after a few days comes pneumonia. Such phenomenon never was. Now everyone swallows antibiotics. I have a very curious version of the origin of viruses. You know, where do viruses come from? Their man himself creates. Because when there is a dangerous tendency renunciation of love and degradation, and possible future death - how can a human be saved? You have to humiliate instincts, needs to humiliate health and life - the body itself produces, creates viruses, they begin to actively organism to devour - and the body begins to reminisce about love and recovers... Viruses not only in laboratories are created, they are created in the body as a protective function. So now epidemic and things will be all the more dangerous and stronger, because the more a human worship instincts and stronger the soul weakens - the stronger energy falls, the immune system weakens, and any infection becomes incredibly strong... It's necessary to be ready for this. So all the moments when you were treated through the humiliation of the soul, through the humiliation of instincts - should be seen as the salvation of our Divine self, as cleansing the love of God - please...".
...и пока на улицах Манилы грязно, мир устоит.
Откуда: Москва
Сообщения: 1513
Темы: 11
С нами: 18 лет 8 месяцев

Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#4 AKRESS » Пн, 12 января 2015, 16:44

Sirius писал(а):AKRESS,

сел переводить вот эту страницу:Аборт

13-14.04.2013, seminar of S.N.Lazarev, Sanct-Peterburg (the piece).

- Let me ask, I'm a mother, my son is 6 years old...

- So... "My son is much attached to soft toys, he sleeps with them, kisses and caresses them. He began to embrace and kiss girls at school (the boy of 6 years old) - girls began to reject him. I've explained him, that it's bad to stick forcedly to the girl when she doesn't want to, and there's necessary to consider the wishes of the other people. As a result, he's stopped sticking to girls, but he has found a boy, which he kisses now. He kissed girls on the cheeks, hands and body, whereas he kisses boy on his hands now. He goes on making declaration of love to the girls. In other words, he constantly needs in animate or inanimate object for caressing, and in demonstration of bodily attachment to somebody or something. He often tells that he loves somebody, but it often happens that he means two girls at once. Is it related to me somehow? I can't understand. Thanks you for answering."

- Indeed, this letter describes the process of desintegration and ruin of the Occidental civilization. Here is a diagnosis, that could be made out to Europe and USA. Do you wanna know, why does your child behave so? The answer is very simple. Is anybody able to say (the replication to the audience)?

- Actually, any human must have a certain quantity of the positive emotions. It is reasonable, normally and necessary. A human gets his emotions at three layers. Highest, fourth layer is a wholeness with God. It's related with the first layer, and it's a sense of happiness in the soul. The real hapiness is a happiness of a soul. We feel it if we love God. Through love to God and joining to Him we get basic love, basic energy and basic positive emotions, that don't depend on anything. Here is a fundamental aspect of such a thig that we call "happiness".

Second aspect of happiness is related with not a soul, but with a consciousness. It's a happiness when we have a house, a car, a talent, an intelligence. When we develop, when we control the territory - this is related with an instinct of self-preservation, and it gives a lot of the positive emotions, too.

Third layer of positive emotions is eating, sex, delight in connecting with near people. Connecting with near people can take place at three layers. There is a physiological layer, and there are higher levels. For example, sex can relate to animal layer only. In the other case sex can include not only animal layer, but the mental connecting, too. In the third case sex can include animal layer, the layer of mental connecting and the layer of the soul. It happens when sex implies love, the dialog, the self-sacrificingness - in this case all three layers are activated: a soul, a consciousness and a body.

Occidental civilization insensibly destroys the soul layer, bringing anything to a consciousness and a body, with an ultimate aim - the body layer only. The culture of Occidental civilization is a culture of show, as a total priority of money over anything. Money includes consciousness and body layers. At consciousness layer there are house, car, territory, talents, status, power and so on. At body level there are delights of differend kind. Conception of the soul conflicts with worship to instincts. In order to revive the soul it's necessary to moderate the instincts periodically, but the Occidental civilization is against it. Mammon demands destruction of a soul for the normal existing of a consciousness and a body. But if the soul has destructed - a consciousness and a body die, too. That's why logic of Occidental civilization is a logic of a cancerous growth.

So why the child likes the soft toys? Why does he caress and kiss the girls, and makes declaration of love to them?

The answer is very simple. At the soul layer the boy doesn't get the feelings. He has the half-paralyzed soul. And then he tries to get positive emotions somehow else. One boy will humble others and beat them - for getting delight. Other boy will get delight kissing girls and caressing soft toys. Further is the straight way to the homosexuality, drugs, alcohol and so on.

Then there's a question - why does the boy have a half-paralyzed soul? I've inspected the biofield of his mother... She had an abortions in past lifes. Why the mother's abortions make very dangerous, actually homosexual tendency for her child? Because the uncontrolled sex, sex for sex - is the straight way to pedophilia and homosexuality.

Why does a child have such a tragedy? What does the abortion? The answer is simple.

When a woman's first pregnancy interrupts the abortion - usually she does it because of something. As a rule, because of the worship of human happiness. If the delight or prosperous fate is more important than anything for her, or if she can't take insults from her husband and so on and so forth...

Now, if a woman is unable to forgive her husband and makes the abortion, then through the killing of love in herself repeatedly she reinforces the destruction programme husband and their children. If a woman wants to have children later and protects herself - it makes the program of destruction of their own children. If a woman has abortions, because she studies at institute and thinks that it's early to have children - it forms the program of destruction of their own children in favor of a successful life. The switch happens - the woman gets subconscious giant concentration and worship prosperous destiny. If a woman in order to be able to have fun, to travel, to enjoy sexual life to enjoy - makes abortion is inside a strongest focusing on lust, sexuality. And hence, there is a destruction of their own children.

I see the destruction programme children in the mother's biofield... and now I'm translating it into normal human language - what it means.

The program of destruction of their own children - is a dislike of children. This woman does not love their child, subconsciously, and this is killing him.

Refusing of love for another human is the wishing for his death, on the level of biofield these things are the same.

Now if a woman is unable to forgive her husband, if a woman had an abortion, or her mother and grandmother formed the tendency - so when she carries a baby in her belly, she already does not love him. She loves it - may be skin-deep - bit... but internally there is no love. And it kills the soul of the child.

When the mother does not love his child, his soul ceases to develop normally, his soul becomes miserable, his soul is suffering. And then he since childhood, tries to compensate for the lack of love and happiness in the soul, positive emotions through external aspects. He amplifying instincts, trying to compensate for the
deficiency of his soul. And then begins early fascination with sex, passion, substance abuse... the cult of eating, of delight.

So what is now happening in the West, this is a dead soul, forgotten about God, trying to live through the activation of the instincts - that is why we see everywhere the cult of sex and violence. In the West women have ceased to love their children. Therefore, parents rape their children, so the juvenile justice system withdraws children - and this process is intensifying further and further.

If the mother does not love his child, he already deprived. This child already is a future diabetic, cancer patient... homosexual, drug addict, criminal, and so on... Why in the West, women do not love their children? Because the woman was convinced that the most important happiness is not the family, not the children, and most importantly happiness is money, wealth, car, work, villa. It's a protestant theme. And the woman considers that three kids is a lot, cause she will look worse if she has three children - one child is enough. When a woman gives birth to only one child, it actively makes the program of destruction of the other children. On average, when a woman gives birth to two or three children, then she has fulfilled its purpose and is balanced. One child is the internal refusing of the next children. So when a family has one child in almost any woman subconsciously formed the destruction programme children - the next and that is already born. And when the mother mother does not love her child subconsciously, so than this child in the future becomes cancer patient, diabetic, pedophile, homosexual... criminal. At first such a child is offender in terms of the soul, and later sin becomes a crime. At first there is the renunciation of love, then sin, in the form of the worship of delight, envy, greed, and so on, then this sin leads to the fact that people are already starting to violate moral norms and administrative laws, and then criminal - he already kills, destroys and so on.

There is not written in the Bible about the dangers of abortion. In the Bible written about the crime, which is called murder, and it says that for the murder of man must suffer adequately. Abortion is almost welcome in the state... but the fact that every fifth woman dies during abortion is punished from on high for murder. Because the woman who does abortions, especially in youth, when the body gives you a tremendous amount of energy, when the body is ready to bear children, but the woman decided to bear later and begins to make abortion - the woman starts the destruction - destruction programme not only their own children but herself, too. And this process is clearly and closely associated with the worship of instincts. The stronger the woman concentrates on the delight, eating, sex, the quicker she will make abortion. The more the woman concentrates on money, wellbeing, self-importance, education, career, future - more likely she will make abortion. When a woman worships the instincts, she will hate a man who will humiliate instincts, saving her soul. And further is the road to nowhere...

Further it goes on from generation to generation, accumulates, and eventually there comes a collective infertility. Or just people die from an infection. For example, viral cough now gone. I have not heard about it at all in my life. There's virus, a human coughs - no fever, but after a few days comes pneumonia. Such phenomenon never was. Now everyone swallows antibiotics. I have a very curious version of the origin of viruses. You know, where do viruses come from? Their man himself creates. Because when there is a dangerous tendency renunciation of love and degradation, and possible future death - how can a human be saved? You have to humiliate instincts, needs to humiliate health and life - the body itself produces, creates viruses, they begin to actively organism to devour - and the body begins to reminisce about love and recovers... Viruses not only in laboratories are created, they are created in the body as a protective function. So now epidemic and things will be all the more dangerous and stronger, because the more a human worship instincts and stronger the soul weakens - the stronger energy falls, the immune system weakens, and any infection becomes incredibly strong... It's necessary to be ready for this. So all the moments when you were treated through the humiliation of the soul, through the humiliation of instincts - should be seen as the salvation of our Divine self, as cleansing the love of God - please...".

Ух ты, Сириус - КЛАСС!!! :approve: Мегабольшущее спасибо!!! :approve: :drink: Ща пойду размещать... :roll:

Да - все, кто оказал помощь в переводе значительных (в виде самостоятельного раздела или подраздела статьи и т. п. - вот как сейчас Сириус и ранее ряд иных участников) выдержек Вики-ДК (или подготовил текстовый подстрочник видеовыдержки) - об этом будет указываться под текстом перевода со ссылкой на форумский профиль - или просто ник (или не указываться лишь в случае категорического возражения самого участника) - в качестве той минимальной благодарности за помощь, что есть пока в наших возможностях... :ninja:
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#5 Sirius » Пн, 12 января 2015, 19:42

пожайлусто :)Генетически_модифицированные_продукты
ну тут надо было перевести только две фразы:
Genetically modified foods.
Links to articles on the subject of GMOs in the Wikipedias of the world.Заболевания_глаз
Lazarev S.N., "Diagnostics of karma. Vol. 1. System of the biofield self-regulation.", pages 12-13.

"In 1988 I was approached by the mother of the girl, who had deteriorating vision. The girl was being treated in the First medical Institute, but, despite all efforts of doctors, the cause of the illness could not be determined, and the vision was getting worse. The infection could not be found out, antibiotic treatment did not give any results. The vision in the left eye was six, right - fifty percent and continued to deteriorate.

I began to interact with a girl remotely. After the first session I noticed improvement and proposed a further two to three sessions. After two weeks the girl recovered, and she was discharged with twenty-twenty vision. The cause of the disease I have not found, but the deteriorating process was stopped and I succeeded in restoring vision.

As time went on. Vision of the girl was staying normal, but after a few months suddenly her kidneys started to hurt. With an acute attack of renal colic she was taken to the hospital, but despite entering the antibiotics - there was no improvement again. After some time she was discharged with a bad analyses, kidneys ached. I led four sessions, and then came full recovery. I was happy: the medicine is powerless, medications do not help, antibiotics are not effective, whereas I turned out to be able to help.

At the time I still didn't understand how are all the organs interconnected, I did not know that the disease can move from one organ to another, and, moreover, I did not know that character, destiny, immateriality and other human parameters are also in this chain.

So, the girl was healthy. Some more time passed. My level has improved, and I found out that the human body is a unified system, where health, fate, character, psyche are inseparable. When I met the girl's mother, I regret to learn that, having great health, she has a very bad fate. When extrasensory testing parameters of the fate - it turned out that the value of it were much negative. This usually leads to big troubles.

Then I realized that thinking about health only, focusing on the body only, I bettered one of the section in the system called "human" and worsened the rest. I cured the disease, but did not eliminate its cause, and the disease has moved fromm body on fate. I realized that it is necessary to treat the person as a unified system. This allowed us to see those connections, the true reasons that really affect all characteristics of the human. As demonstrated by extrasensory testing, the cause of all the trouble of my patient was a strong resentment of her mother to the father during pregnancy, that caused the deformation biofield structures responsible for health and the fate of the daughter".
...и пока на улицах Манилы грязно, мир устоит.
Откуда: Москва
Сообщения: 1513
Темы: 11
С нами: 18 лет 8 месяцев

Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#6 AKRESS » Пн, 12 января 2015, 21:13

Sirius - большое спасибо! :smile:

Добавлено спустя 4 часа 3 минуты:
Sirius писал(а):AKRESS,

сел переводить вот эту страницу:Аборт

Разместил - в русской Вики-ДК - Аборт - и в английской - Abortion. :smile: Потом, не загадывая, повыделяю необходимое цитатами и шрифтом. :smile:

Добавлено спустя 8 минут 22 секунды:
Да - здесь тоже разместил ссылку... :smile:
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#7 Sirius » Ср, 14 января 2015, 6:18


на здоровье :)

Страница про почки копирует содержимое страницы про зрение - поэтому там я не переводил.

Про сердце:Заболевания_сердца

"For several years I was engaged in distance treatment, influencing by the hands. The first time I realized the imperfection of this method, about five years ago. I treated children in one family, and having noticed the poor condition of their grandmother, I offered to help. First, the grandmother refused. She said that because of the stenocardia, the ambulance visited her five or six times a week, but she resigned herself and doesn't believe that the improvement can come. Looking at her biofield I saw that she had a healthy heart. I led several sessions, and the women's condition became better each time. On the third session I felt the biofield deformation by my hand. There were significant abnormalities in the region of the heart. I passed my hand over it several times - deformations disappeared, and the biofield was equalized. But after a few days the attack was repeated.

Then I suggested that there is a mechanism that is unknown to me takes place here. It was necessary to understand him. Analyzing the state of the patient, I felt that it depends on some event in her life.

"What happened in your life two years ago? - I asked.
- My sister died.
- What did you feel at the time?
"She was such a strong and healthy - and died, whereas I was sick - but live.

I realized that was the cause of the disease: enormous stress that remained in her subconscious, and this stress provoked stenocardia.

In order to take it off, it was necessary to change the mindset of the woman, her attitude towards life and death. I explained to her that death is a transition into another state and we should not apprehend it so tragically. It is very harmful to regret the past, because, regretting the past, subconsciously tries to change it, i.e. to move that cannot be moved. This causes a lot of uncontrolled energy consumption. The leakage of energy can lead to very serious consequences, and trying to stop it, the body blocks this leakage by disease on the physical level. I gave the woman several sessions of autogenic training, and attacks expired".

Про ГМО - я сначала подумал, что там только ссылки, поэтому не стал переводить, а там оказывается внизу прорва текста))) мне кажется имеет смысл поместить ссылки в низ страницы, иначе до текста можно не добраться.Генетически_модифицированные_продукты
ГМО, первый фрагмент.


Lazarev, S. N., Kharkov, 22.09.2006,

[ Video: Lazarev, S. N., Kharkov, 22.09.2006,]

"I recently spoke with a man, and we had a talk about the systematic self-destruction of humanity. Even food. Cats don't eat sausage. But people eat it. In other words, the cat lives by its intuition, and it sees the biofield information of food, therefore it refuses to eat this sausage. Whereas a human eats, thereby destructing his higher layers of biofild.

The man sat next to me and said: "That's interesting - the chickens are poisoned now, and they use different ways of accelerating the growth of chickens... I have a dog. So even if it's hungry, it will never eat the chicken drumstick. The drumstick can stay in the plate for 3 days - it won't eat it anyway. If boil it thoroughly well - the dog can eat it. But raw one - for anything. But a human eats!"

And what is the result? I was told about the new system, as the chickens grow. The chick borns - he sees the sun for one day, or just daylight. And then he is forcedly drived into the dark room, onto the roost. They turn the lights on - the chicken thinks that there's a daylight now and eats. The lights turned off - he went to sleep. After 5 hours the lights turned on, he thinks that there's a daylight now and eats. Half an hour later the lights turned off, and he goes to sleep.

This way, the chicken runs through 5-6 days for 24 hours! And it grows 5-6 times faster, with absolute absence of moderating his wishes. The animal is eating, sleeping, eating, sleeping only. All cycles are broken. I discovered how this can affect the energetics of meat: the human who eats such meat will get concentration on the prosperous fate of 7 times stronger than death level (death level - not even maximum permissible level). That is, the human who eats such a chicken, he will have crushed fate, he will lose his energy.

- Maybe it's good to boil the meat thoroughly well? (question from audience)

- I think, first, we should choose food, like this do animals. Still, the trend goes to the fact that it is better to eat cereals, because energetics of meat today is poor, to put it mildly. To say nothing of genetically modified products. Then - I think, probably, it is necessary to boil food thoroughly, because the products are infected simply incredible at information layer.

So Judaism says that if there was another water in the jug until it was - i.e. something another was inside before - the jug is already unclean. In other words, water has to be poured into a vessel where there was none before, for information purity.

And now the situation about the information cleanliness is very difficult. The danger of genetically modified products and production not even that is a mixture that destroys the higher human's structures. The most danger is the energy of the that people who wants to get money, energetics of scientist enters the genetically modified product as in a child. And the GMO product is already infected initially with this information.

This way, as much we now depend on the environment, so much we will be poisoned. The dependence on the environment is dependent on wishes. Hence, a human who internally cares about his soul now, he will be less dependent on the environment, and less will be poisoned.

Why is the system destruction, self-destruction of humanity happens - through food, through the environment? For a very simple reason: because a human walks on new level. In accordance with the law of negation of negation we go to God: "until the thunder will not clap, the peasant will not cross himself" (russian proverb). Only believers see the first signs of punishment and begin to change".

Продолжение следует :)
...и пока на улицах Манилы грязно, мир устоит.
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#8 Gulnar ABU » Ср, 14 января 2015, 16:20

ГМО - проодукты - прямая агрессия ко времени, тк растения одноразовые, так скоро они захотят, чтобы и на детей брали лицензию, поэтому и рак, и всё что угодно и на мышах\крысах и на людях. Так умер Ветров, не перебирая, и рекомендуя сою ГМО ( а она продуцирует женскую половую систему, мужчинам строго противопоказана). Я эту Монсато - с*девку из района красных фонарей разорю, алчущую прошлое.. :evil: :evil: :evil:
Уоррен Эдвард Баффетт (Warren Buffett) ✔
«С моей идеей и вашими деньгами всё у нас будет хорошо»
Gulnar ABU F
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#9 AKRESS » Ср, 14 января 2015, 20:55

Sirius - ещё раз большущее спасибо - важными делами на сегоднявалянием дурака в соседней теме, вроде, закончил заниматься - можно потихоньку переходить к переносу оставшихся подготовленных частей. :smile:

Там - да - некоторые статьи НА ТЕКУЩИЙ момент дублируются - т. к. информация может быть отнесена к разным статьям - с появлением доп. информации эта разница должна уменьшаться - но сейчас как есть (я там сам всё продублирую)... :smile:

По ССЫЛКАМ - да - есть такое дело - мешают немного - там и Дзадзен тоже в своё время об этом говорил (из принципиально-идеологических соображений на тот момент времени я его решил не послушать... :ninja: )... :smile: Думаю, можно будет попробовать найти вики-теги для СПОЙЛЕРА (в старом формате вики это было проблематично), и упрятать туда их... :smile:

Добавлено спустя 3 часа 54 минуты:
Sirius писал(а):Заболевания_глаз
Lazarev S.N., "Diagnostics of karma. Vol. 1. System of the biofield self-regulation.", pages 12-13.

"In 1988 I was approached by the mother of the girl, who had deteriorating vision. The girl was being treated in the First medical Institute, but, despite all efforts of doctors, the cause of the illness could not be determined, and the vision was getting worse. The infection could not be found out, antibiotic treatment did not give any results. The vision in the left eye was six, right - fifty percent and continued to deteriorate.

I began to interact with a girl remotely. After the first session I noticed improvement and proposed a further two to three sessions. After two weeks the girl recovered, and she was discharged with twenty-twenty vision. The cause of the disease I have not found, but the deteriorating process was stopped and I succeeded in restoring vision.

As time went on. Vision of the girl was staying normal, but after a few months suddenly her kidneys started to hurt. With an acute attack of renal colic she was taken to the hospital, but despite entering the antibiotics - there was no improvement again. After some time she was discharged with a bad analyses, kidneys ached. I led four sessions, and then came full recovery. I was happy: the medicine is powerless, medications do not help, antibiotics are not effective, whereas I turned out to be able to help.

At the time I still didn't understand how are all the organs interconnected, I did not know that the disease can move from one organ to another, and, moreover, I did not know that character, destiny, immateriality and other human parameters are also in this chain.

So, the girl was healthy. Some more time passed. My level has improved, and I found out that the human body is a unified system, where health, fate, character, psyche are inseparable. When I met the girl's mother, I regret to learn that, having great health, she has a very bad fate. When extrasensory testing parameters of the fate - it turned out that the value of it were much negative. This usually leads to big troubles.

Then I realized that thinking about health only, focusing on the body only, I bettered one of the section in the system called "human" and worsened the rest. I cured the disease, but did not eliminate its cause, and the disease has moved fromm body on fate. I realized that it is necessary to treat the person as a unified system. This allowed us to see those connections, the true reasons that really affect all characteristics of the human. As demonstrated by extrasensory testing, the cause of all the trouble of my patient was a strong resentment of her mother to the father during pregnancy, that caused the deformation biofield structures responsible for health and the fate of the daughter".

Разместил - - -Статьи_Wiki-DK,_переведённые_на_иностранные_языки - ещё раз спасибо - завтра, не загадывая, продолжу... :smile: :ninja:
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#10 Марианна » Чт, 15 января 2015, 20:14

Перевела статью про аборты на немецкий :smile:Аборт

13-14,04,2013 Seminar Lazarev S.N Sankt-Petersburg
"- Darf ich fragen, ich bin Mutter, mein Sohn ist 6 Jahre alt...
-So..."Mein Sohn hängt sehr an Plüschtiere, nimmt Sie mit ins Bett, küsst Sie und Kuschelt. In die Schule hat Er begonnen Mädchen zu umarmen und küssen- Bub ist 6 Jahre alt- Die Mädchen weisen Ihm ab und Er hat sich ein Bub gefunden, dem Er küsst- Mädchen küsste Er auf die Wangen, Hände und Körper, dem Buben küsst er die Hände. Aber Er sagt immer noch zu Mädchen:" Ich liebe dich!"
So braucht er Immer ein Objekt, lebendige, oder nicht, zum kuscheln und knuddeln.
Der sagt oft das er Jemandem liebt, und es sind meistens sofort zwei Mädchen. Was hat es mit mir zu tun, ich kann es nicht herausfinden?
Danke für Ihre Antwort."

Dieser Brief, beschreibt genau den Prozess von zerfallen und Tod von Westliche Zivilisation. Das ist die Diagnose -die man kann Europa und Amerika stellen.
Wissen Sie warum der Kind sich so benimmt? Die Antwort ist sehr anfach. Wer möchte antworten?
Die Sache ist die, Jeder muss eine bestimmte menge von Positive Emotionen haben, es ist normal, es ist natürlich, es muss sein. Mensch bekommt Emotionen auf drei Ebene. Vierte Ebene ist der höchste, das ist die Vereinigung mit dem Schöpfer. Der hat mit Erste Ebene zu tun, es ist das Gefühl von Glück in der Seele. Das echte Glück ist Glück von der Seele. Der kommt dann, wenn man die Liebe zum Gott hat . Durch die Liebe zum Gott, und Vereinigung mit Schöpfer bekommen wir das wichtigste Liebe, wichtigste Energie und Positiv, das von nichts abhängt. Das ist der wichtigste Aspekt von den wir sagen es ist Glück.
Zweite Aspekt von Glück ist nimmer mit Seele verbunden, sondern mit Bewusstsein.
Das ist das Glück wenn man ein Haus hat, ein Auto, die Talente, das Intellekt, wenn man sich entwickelt, wenn wir Territorium kontrollieren, es ist Instinkt von Selbstschutz. Das sind auch sehr Positive Emotionen.
Die Dritte Ebene ist - Essen, Sex, es ist Genuss von Unterhaltung mit nah stehende Menschen, aber diese Genuss von Unterhaltung mit nachstehende geht sofort in drei Ebene, aber es geht auch in nur körperliche Ebene, und auch, man kann es nänen höhere Ebene.
Also Begriff Sex...Sex kann Darstellung von nur körperlich-tierische Ebene sein, oder erfassen auch geistliche Unterhaltung, der kann auch erfassen Körper und Geist und könnte auch die Seele einschalten-wenn Sex schlisst ein die Liebe, Unterhaltung, Opferbereitschaft, also wenn arbeiten drei Ebene zusammen- Körper, Geist und die Seele.
Die Westliche Zivilisation, die langsam Seele ausrötet, führt alles zum Sinn und Körper.
Am Ende nur zum Körper. Kultur von Westliche Zivilisation das ist Show-Kultur. Das ist Priorität von Geld über alles- und Geld arbeitet in die Ebene von Geist und Körper. In die Geist Ebene es ist Haus, Auto, Territorium, Talente, Status, Macht und so weiter...In Körper Ebene es Genüsse verschiedene Arten. Der Begriff Seele stellt sich gegen Anbetung von Instinkten. Damit Seele leben kann, man sollte regelmäßig Instinkte zurück halten.
Und dagegen. Mammonna verlangt Vernichtung von der Seele, damit Geist und Körper normal Existieren kann. Aber wenn Seele ist vernichtet- stirbt auch Geist und Körper und Bewusstsein. Darum Logik von Westen ist Logik von Krebstumor.

Also, warum Kind kuschelt Tiere, küsst Mädchen und sagt "Ich Liebe dich"? Die Antwort ist sehr einfach...In der Ebene von Seele Bub bekommt keine... Gefühle. Seine Seele ist halb gelähmt. Und Er versucht Emotionen zu bekommen. Eine wird andere Buben erniedrigen, schlagen...und so bekommt er sein Positiv. Diese Bub küsst Mädchen, knuddelt mit sie, streichelt, kuschelt Plüschtiere.
Weiter ist gerade Weg zum Homoseksualizm, Drogen, Alkohol und so weiter.
-Dann ist der Frage-warum Bub...Warum seine Seele ist halb Gelähmt?
-Ich habe diagnostirt seine Mutter...
In vorherige Leben-Abtreibungen.
Was haben Abtreibungen von Mutter mit sehr gefährlige Tendenz bei Kind zu tun?
Praktisch Homosexuelle...
Weil unkontrollierte Sex- Sex wegen Sex- es ist gerade Wäg zum Pädophilie und Homosexualität.
Warum ist das so tragisch bei Kind? Was haben Abtreibungen damit zu tun?
Antwort ist einfach.
Wenn Frau treibt Ihre Erste Schwangerschaft ab, es wird gemacht aus einem von Gründen.
Meistens ist es Anbetung von menschliche Glück. Wenn Genuss und
Wohl Ihr wichtige, wenn sie kann keine Beleidigungen von Ihre Mann akzeptieren und so weiter und so weiter. Also, wenn Frau kann nicht Ihre Mann vergeben und macht
Abtreibung, die durch der Mord von Liebe erhöht mehrfach das
Programm die Vernichtung Ihre Mann und Ihre Kinder. Wenn Frau möchte Kinder später haben, und benutzt die Verhütung, Sie formt die Programm von Vernichtung Ihre Kinder. Wenn Frau macht die Abtreibung weil sie ist noch Studierende und es ist zu früh für Kinder, Sie formt die Programm von Vernichtung Ihre Kinder wegen Wohl. Es passiert die Umschaltung- unterbewusste gigantische Konzentration auf das Wohl. Wenn die Frau, wegen Möglichkeit weiter Genuss zu bekommen, reisen, freuen sich, sexuelle Leben weiter zu führen- mach die Abtreibung, formt sich unterbewusste gigantische Konzentration auf das der Begierde, Lust, Sexualität.
Und Formt sich das Programm von Vernichtung Ihre Kinder.
Ich bin schon gewönnt an die Sondersprache, so wie ich sehe...Ich sehe das Programm von Vernichtung Ihre Kinder und Jetzt übersetze ich es in menschliche Sprache, was es bedeutet.
Wissen sie was?
Das Programm von Vernichtung Ihre Kinder- ist es Kinder nicht zu lieben.
Diese Frau liebt-unterbewusst- Ihre Kind nicht. Und damit tötet Ihm. Die
Weigerung andere Mensch zu lieben, es ist Ihnen Tot zu wünschen In Feine geistliche Ebene schaut gleich aus.
Also wenn Frau kann Ihre Mann nicht vergeben, machte Abtreibungen, oder Ihre Mutter, Ihre Oma formte das Tendenz, Sie tragt Ihre Kind in Bauch- und Sie liebt Ihm schon nicht.
Sie liebt Ihm, vielleicht, ein bisschen, oberflächlich, aber innerlich die Liebe ist nicht da. Und damit tötet Sie die Seele vom Kind.

Wenn Mutter liebte Ihre Kind nicht, seine Seele entwickelt sich nicht normal, seine Seele ist unglücklich, sie leidet. Und dann Er beginnt schon als Kind zu kompensieren Entbehrung seine Seele. Und dann beginnt frühere Interesse zum Sex, hingezogen zu Drogenmissbrauch...Kult von Essen, Genusse, alles mögliche...

Darum das was ist jetzt passiert am Westen, das ist der Mortifikation die Seele. Seele die Gott vergessen hat, die probiert zu leben durch die Activation von Instinkte-darum wir sehen überall Kult von Sex und Gewalt. In Westen die Frauen haben aufgehört Ihre Kinder zu lieben. Darum Gewalt gegen eigene Kinder. Darum Juvenale Justiz nimmt Kinder weg, und dieses Prozess entwickelt sich weiter und weiter.
Wenn Frau liebt Ihre Kind nicht, der ist schon beraubt. Der ist zukünftige Diabetiker, Krebskranker, Homosexualität, Drogenabhängig, Verbrecher und so weiter. Warum Frauen in Westen lieben Ihre Kinder nicht? Weil Sie wurden überzeugt das nicht die Familie und nicht die Kinder sind Ihre größte Glück, sondern Glück ist das Geld, Wohl, Auto, Haus...Arbeit. Protestantische Tema. Und Frau meint schon: drei Kinder sind zu viel, sie wird schlechter ausschauen, eine Kind ist genug.
Wenn Frau bekommt nur eine Kind, sie formt Programm von Vernichtung von andere Kinder. im Durchschnitt wenn Sie bekommt zwei-drei , dann, nur dann, erfühlt sie die Bestimmung, und dann passiert erst der Ausgleich. Ein Kind-es ist innere Ablehnung von nachfolgende Kinder. Darum wenn in die Familie gibt es nur eine Kind, praktisch bei jeder Frau formt sich Programm von Vernichtung von Kinder, die nachfolgende und von dieses Kind einschließlich. Und wenn Mutter unterbewusst liebt Ihre Kind nicht, es ist der zukünftige Krebskranke, Diabetiker, Pädophil, Homosexuellst...und Verbrecher. Zuerst Verbrecher in der Seelenhöhe, Sünder- und dann Sünde verwandelt sich in das Verbrechen. Zuerst ist der Abschwörung von Liebe, dann Sünde in Form von anbeten von Genusse, neid, Gier und so weiter, und dann Sünde führt dazu, das Mensch beginnt Moralische Normen verletzen, administrative und dann auch kriminelle- mordet, vernichtet und weiter.
In Bibel steht über Gefahr von Abtreibung, in Bibel ist geschrieben von Verbrechen der heißt Mord, und dort steht auch, das für Verbrechen Mensch verantwortet adekvat. Bei uns für Abtreibung...Bei uns Abtreibung wird fast willkommen geheißen von Staat.
Aber das, das die jeder fünfte Frau stirbt während der Abtreibung ist der Bestrafung von Oben, für den Mord. Weil die Frau die Abtreibung macht, und vor allem wenn Sie Jung ist, wenn Ihre Organismus gibt sehr große Energie, da er ist bereit Kinder zu gebären und Sie entscheidet das später zu machen, und beginnt Abtreibungen zu machen- diese Frau schaltet ein Programm von Vernichtung nicht nur eigene Kinder, sondern auch sich selbst. Und diese Prozess deutlich und eng verbunden mit anbeten von Instinkten. So mehr Sie konzentriert sich auf Genuss, Essen und Sex, so schneller entscheidet sie sich für Abtreibung. So mehr Frau sich konzentriert auf das Geld, Wohl, eigene Bedeutung, eigene Bildung, Karriere, Perspektive- so sichere macht sie die Abtreibung. So mehr Frau anbetet die Instinkten-so mehr wird sie Ihren Mann hassen, der dieser Instinkten erniedrigt, um die Seele zu retten.
Und weiter ist der Weg in nichts.
Weiter es geht in der der Familie durch die Generationen, sammelt sich, und beginnt kollektive Unfruchtbarkeit. Oder Bevölkerung einfach stirbt von irgendeine Infektion... Jetzt war gerade virale Husten,. Über so was habe ich noch nie gehört in meine ganzes Leben. Man hustet, keine Fiber und nach drei Tage beginnt Lungenentzündung. So was gab es noch nie. Jetzt alle schlucken Antibiotika. Und warum- ich habe eine interessante Hypothese Abstammung der Vieren.
Wissen sie woher stammen die Viren? Mensch selbst erstellt sie. Wenn beginnt eine gefährliche Tendenz von Entsagung die Liebe und Degradierung und mögliche zukünftige Tod,-wie kann man sich retten? Man muss Instinkten erniedrigen, muss Gesundheit erniedrigen, das Leben- Organismus selbst stellt die Viren her, die beginnen aktiv Organismus zu fressen und Organismus erinnert sich an die Liebe und wird gesund. Viren werden nicht nur in Labor hergestellt, sondern auch in Körper von Mensch, als schütz. Jetzt Epidemien werden immer gefährlicher und stärker, weil so stärker Mensch anbetet die Instinkten, so schwächer wird die Seele, so stärker fällt die Energie, schwächer wird Immunität und jeder Infekt wird unglaublich stark...Dazu müssen wir bereit sein. Also für der Anfang, alle Momenten, wenn Sie würden geheilt durch die Erniedrigungen die Seele, durch die Erniedrigung die Instinkten- müssen Sie annehmen als Rettung von unsere Göttliche "Ich", wie Bereinigung von Liebe zum Gott- bitte...".

Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#11 AKRESS » Чт, 15 января 2015, 23:51

Марианна - МЕГАБОЛЬШУЩЕЕ СПАСИБО!!! :rose: :bouquet:

Перевод будет размещён на его почётном надлежащем месте. :smile: :approve:

Добавлено спустя 17 часов 3 минуты:
Sirius писал(а):Про сердце:Заболевания_сердца

"For several years I was engaged in distance treatment, influencing by the hands. The first time I realized the imperfection of this method, about five years ago. I treated children in one family, and having noticed the poor condition of their grandmother, I offered to help. First, the grandmother refused. She said that because of the stenocardia, the ambulance visited her five or six times a week, but she resigned herself and doesn't believe that the improvement can come. Looking at her biofield I saw that she had a healthy heart. I led several sessions, and the women's condition became better each time. On the third session I felt the biofield deformation by my hand. There were significant abnormalities in the region of the heart. I passed my hand over it several times - deformations disappeared, and the biofield was equalized. But after a few days the attack was repeated.

Then I suggested that there is a mechanism that is unknown to me takes place here. It was necessary to understand him. Analyzing the state of the patient, I felt that it depends on some event in her life.

"What happened in your life two years ago? - I asked.
- My sister died.
- What did you feel at the time?
"She was such a strong and healthy - and died, whereas I was sick - but live.

I realized that was the cause of the disease: enormous stress that remained in her subconscious, and this stress provoked stenocardia.

In order to take it off, it was necessary to change the mindset of the woman, her attitude towards life and death. I explained to her that death is a transition into another state and we should not apprehend it so tragically. It is very harmful to regret the past, because, regretting the past, subconsciously tries to change it, i.e. to move that cannot be moved. This causes a lot of uncontrolled energy consumption. The leakage of energy can lead to very serious consequences, and trying to stop it, the body blocks this leakage by disease on the physical level. I gave the woman several sessions of autogenic training, and attacks expired".

- Heart diseases
- Angina pectoris


Добавлено спустя 4 часа 31 минуту:
Sirius писал(а):Про ГМО - я сначала подумал, что там только ссылки, поэтому не стал переводить, а там оказывается внизу прорва текста))) мне кажется имеет смысл поместить ссылки в низ страницы, иначе до текста можно не добраться.Генетически_модифицированные_продукты
ГМО, первый фрагмент.


Lazarev, S. N., Kharkov, 22.09.2006,

[ Video: Lazarev, S. N., Kharkov, 22.09.2006,]

"I recently spoke with a man, and we had a talk about the systematic self-destruction of humanity. Even food. Cats don't eat sausage. But people eat it. In other words, the cat lives by its intuition, and it sees the biofield information of food, therefore it refuses to eat this sausage. Whereas a human eats, thereby destructing his higher layers of biofild.

The man sat next to me and said: "That's interesting - the chickens are poisoned now, and they use different ways of accelerating the growth of chickens... I have a dog. So even if it's hungry, it will never eat the chicken drumstick. The drumstick can stay in the plate for 3 days - it won't eat it anyway. If boil it thoroughly well - the dog can eat it. But raw one - for anything. But a human eats!"

And what is the result? I was told about the new system, as the chickens grow. The chick borns - he sees the sun for one day, or just daylight. And then he is forcedly drived into the dark room, onto the roost. They turn the lights on - the chicken thinks that there's a daylight now and eats. The lights turned off - he went to sleep. After 5 hours the lights turned on, he thinks that there's a daylight now and eats. Half an hour later the lights turned off, and he goes to sleep.

This way, the chicken runs through 5-6 days for 24 hours! And it grows 5-6 times faster, with absolute absence of moderating his wishes. The animal is eating, sleeping, eating, sleeping only. All cycles are broken. I discovered how this can affect the energetics of meat: the human who eats such meat will get concentration on the prosperous fate of 7 times stronger than death level (death level - not even maximum permissible level). That is, the human who eats such a chicken, he will have crushed fate, he will lose his energy.

- Maybe it's good to boil the meat thoroughly well? (question from audience)

- I think, first, we should choose food, like this do animals. Still, the trend goes to the fact that it is better to eat cereals, because energetics of meat today is poor, to put it mildly. To say nothing of genetically modified products. Then - I think, probably, it is necessary to boil food thoroughly, because the products are infected simply incredible at information layer.

So Judaism says that if there was another water in the jug until it was - i.e. something another was inside before - the jug is already unclean. In other words, water has to be poured into a vessel where there was none before, for information purity.

And now the situation about the information cleanliness is very difficult. The danger of genetically modified products and production not even that is a mixture that destroys the higher human's structures. The most danger is the energy of the that people who wants to get money, energetics of scientist enters the genetically modified product as in a child. And the GMO product is already infected initially with this information.

This way, as much we now depend on the environment, so much we will be poisoned. The dependence on the environment is dependent on wishes. Hence, a human who internally cares about his soul now, he will be less dependent on the environment, and less will be poisoned.

Why is the system destruction, self-destruction of humanity happens - through food, through the environment? For a very simple reason: because a human walks on new level. In accordance with the law of negation of negation we go to God: "until the thunder will not clap, the peasant will not cross himself" (russian proverb). Only believers see the first signs of punishment and begin to change".

В рус. яз. статье - Лазарев С. Н., Харьков, 22.09.2006 г. — перевод на английский язык / Lazarev S. N., Kharkov, 22.09.2006 — an English translation

В англ. статье - Lazarev S. N., Kharkov, 22.09.2006

Все англ. переводы - Переводы на английский язык / Translations into English

Ну - Sirius - пока всё - все подготовленные тобой анг. переводы размещены (осталось вики-тэг для Спойлера найти). :smile: Большущее спасибо!!! :smile: Это, фактически, первые англоязычные переводы Вики-ДК... :approve: :smile:

Sirius писал(а):Продолжение следует :)

Очень надеемся!!! :drink: :smile:

Добавлено спустя 7 минут 28 секунд:
Да - Sirius - если будет свободное время между делом - просьба, по возможности, вот этот небольшой кусочек перевести для Main Page:
Wiki-DK — это мультиязычная вики-энциклопедия, посвящённая тематическому обобщению результатов исследований, изложенных в книгах и видеосеминарах автора серии работ «Диагностика кармы» и «Человек будущего» Лазарева Сергея Николаевича.


Добавлено спустя 1 час 24 минуты:
Марианна писал(а):Перевела статью про аборты на немецкий :smile:Аборт

13-14,04,2013 Seminar Lazarev S.N Sankt-Petersburg
"- Darf ich fragen, ich bin Mutter, mein Sohn ist 6 Jahre alt...
-So..."Mein Sohn hängt sehr an Plüschtiere, nimmt Sie mit ins Bett, küsst Sie und Kuschelt. In die Schule hat Er begonnen Mädchen zu umarmen und küssen- Bub ist 6 Jahre alt- Die Mädchen weisen Ihm ab und Er hat sich ein Bub gefunden, dem Er küsst- Mädchen küsste Er auf die Wangen, Hände und Körper, dem Buben küsst er die Hände. Aber Er sagt immer noch zu Mädchen:" Ich liebe dich!"
So braucht er Immer ein Objekt, lebendige, oder nicht, zum kuscheln und knuddeln.
Der sagt oft das er Jemandem liebt, und es sind meistens sofort zwei Mädchen. Was hat es mit mir zu tun, ich kann es nicht herausfinden?
Danke für Ihre Antwort."

Dieser Brief, beschreibt genau den Prozess von zerfallen und Tod von Westliche Zivilisation. Das ist die Diagnose -die man kann Europa und Amerika stellen.
Wissen Sie warum der Kind sich so benimmt? Die Antwort ist sehr anfach. Wer möchte antworten?
Die Sache ist die, Jeder muss eine bestimmte menge von Positive Emotionen haben, es ist normal, es ist natürlich, es muss sein. Mensch bekommt Emotionen auf drei Ebene. Vierte Ebene ist der höchste, das ist die Vereinigung mit dem Schöpfer. Der hat mit Erste Ebene zu tun, es ist das Gefühl von Glück in der Seele. Das echte Glück ist Glück von der Seele. Der kommt dann, wenn man die Liebe zum Gott hat . Durch die Liebe zum Gott, und Vereinigung mit Schöpfer bekommen wir das wichtigste Liebe, wichtigste Energie und Positiv, das von nichts abhängt. Das ist der wichtigste Aspekt von den wir sagen es ist Glück.
Zweite Aspekt von Glück ist nimmer mit Seele verbunden, sondern mit Bewusstsein.
Das ist das Glück wenn man ein Haus hat, ein Auto, die Talente, das Intellekt, wenn man sich entwickelt, wenn wir Territorium kontrollieren, es ist Instinkt von Selbstschutz. Das sind auch sehr Positive Emotionen.
Die Dritte Ebene ist - Essen, Sex, es ist Genuss von Unterhaltung mit nah stehende Menschen, aber diese Genuss von Unterhaltung mit nachstehende geht sofort in drei Ebene, aber es geht auch in nur körperliche Ebene, und auch, man kann es nänen höhere Ebene.
Also Begriff Sex...Sex kann Darstellung von nur körperlich-tierische Ebene sein, oder erfassen auch geistliche Unterhaltung, der kann auch erfassen Körper und Geist und könnte auch die Seele einschalten-wenn Sex schlisst ein die Liebe, Unterhaltung, Opferbereitschaft, also wenn arbeiten drei Ebene zusammen- Körper, Geist und die Seele.
Die Westliche Zivilisation, die langsam Seele ausrötet, führt alles zum Sinn und Körper.
Am Ende nur zum Körper. Kultur von Westliche Zivilisation das ist Show-Kultur. Das ist Priorität von Geld über alles- und Geld arbeitet in die Ebene von Geist und Körper. In die Geist Ebene es ist Haus, Auto, Territorium, Talente, Status, Macht und so weiter...In Körper Ebene es Genüsse verschiedene Arten. Der Begriff Seele stellt sich gegen Anbetung von Instinkten. Damit Seele leben kann, man sollte regelmäßig Instinkte zurück halten.
Und dagegen. Mammonna verlangt Vernichtung von der Seele, damit Geist und Körper normal Existieren kann. Aber wenn Seele ist vernichtet- stirbt auch Geist und Körper und Bewusstsein. Darum Logik von Westen ist Logik von Krebstumor.

Also, warum Kind kuschelt Tiere, küsst Mädchen und sagt "Ich Liebe dich"? Die Antwort ist sehr einfach...In der Ebene von Seele Bub bekommt keine... Gefühle. Seine Seele ist halb gelähmt. Und Er versucht Emotionen zu bekommen. Eine wird andere Buben erniedrigen, schlagen...und so bekommt er sein Positiv. Diese Bub küsst Mädchen, knuddelt mit sie, streichelt, kuschelt Plüschtiere.
Weiter ist gerade Weg zum Homoseksualizm, Drogen, Alkohol und so weiter.
-Dann ist der Frage-warum Bub...Warum seine Seele ist halb Gelähmt?
-Ich habe diagnostirt seine Mutter...
In vorherige Leben-Abtreibungen.
Was haben Abtreibungen von Mutter mit sehr gefährlige Tendenz bei Kind zu tun?
Praktisch Homosexuelle...
Weil unkontrollierte Sex- Sex wegen Sex- es ist gerade Wäg zum Pädophilie und Homosexualität.
Warum ist das so tragisch bei Kind? Was haben Abtreibungen damit zu tun?
Antwort ist einfach.
Wenn Frau treibt Ihre Erste Schwangerschaft ab, es wird gemacht aus einem von Gründen.
Meistens ist es Anbetung von menschliche Glück. Wenn Genuss und
Wohl Ihr wichtige, wenn sie kann keine Beleidigungen von Ihre Mann akzeptieren und so weiter und so weiter. Also, wenn Frau kann nicht Ihre Mann vergeben und macht
Abtreibung, die durch der Mord von Liebe erhöht mehrfach das
Programm die Vernichtung Ihre Mann und Ihre Kinder. Wenn Frau möchte Kinder später haben, und benutzt die Verhütung, Sie formt die Programm von Vernichtung Ihre Kinder. Wenn Frau macht die Abtreibung weil sie ist noch Studierende und es ist zu früh für Kinder, Sie formt die Programm von Vernichtung Ihre Kinder wegen Wohl. Es passiert die Umschaltung- unterbewusste gigantische Konzentration auf das Wohl. Wenn die Frau, wegen Möglichkeit weiter Genuss zu bekommen, reisen, freuen sich, sexuelle Leben weiter zu führen- mach die Abtreibung, formt sich unterbewusste gigantische Konzentration auf das der Begierde, Lust, Sexualität.
Und Formt sich das Programm von Vernichtung Ihre Kinder.
Ich bin schon gewönnt an die Sondersprache, so wie ich sehe...Ich sehe das Programm von Vernichtung Ihre Kinder und Jetzt übersetze ich es in menschliche Sprache, was es bedeutet.
Wissen sie was?
Das Programm von Vernichtung Ihre Kinder- ist es Kinder nicht zu lieben.
Diese Frau liebt-unterbewusst- Ihre Kind nicht. Und damit tötet Ihm. Die
Weigerung andere Mensch zu lieben, es ist Ihnen Tot zu wünschen In Feine geistliche Ebene schaut gleich aus.
Also wenn Frau kann Ihre Mann nicht vergeben, machte Abtreibungen, oder Ihre Mutter, Ihre Oma formte das Tendenz, Sie tragt Ihre Kind in Bauch- und Sie liebt Ihm schon nicht.
Sie liebt Ihm, vielleicht, ein bisschen, oberflächlich, aber innerlich die Liebe ist nicht da. Und damit tötet Sie die Seele vom Kind.

Wenn Mutter liebte Ihre Kind nicht, seine Seele entwickelt sich nicht normal, seine Seele ist unglücklich, sie leidet. Und dann Er beginnt schon als Kind zu kompensieren Entbehrung seine Seele. Und dann beginnt frühere Interesse zum Sex, hingezogen zu Drogenmissbrauch...Kult von Essen, Genusse, alles mögliche...

Darum das was ist jetzt passiert am Westen, das ist der Mortifikation die Seele. Seele die Gott vergessen hat, die probiert zu leben durch die Activation von Instinkte-darum wir sehen überall Kult von Sex und Gewalt. In Westen die Frauen haben aufgehört Ihre Kinder zu lieben. Darum Gewalt gegen eigene Kinder. Darum Juvenale Justiz nimmt Kinder weg, und dieses Prozess entwickelt sich weiter und weiter.
Wenn Frau liebt Ihre Kind nicht, der ist schon beraubt. Der ist zukünftige Diabetiker, Krebskranker, Homosexualität, Drogenabhängig, Verbrecher und so weiter. Warum Frauen in Westen lieben Ihre Kinder nicht? Weil Sie wurden überzeugt das nicht die Familie und nicht die Kinder sind Ihre größte Glück, sondern Glück ist das Geld, Wohl, Auto, Haus...Arbeit. Protestantische Tema. Und Frau meint schon: drei Kinder sind zu viel, sie wird schlechter ausschauen, eine Kind ist genug.
Wenn Frau bekommt nur eine Kind, sie formt Programm von Vernichtung von andere Kinder. im Durchschnitt wenn Sie bekommt zwei-drei , dann, nur dann, erfühlt sie die Bestimmung, und dann passiert erst der Ausgleich. Ein Kind-es ist innere Ablehnung von nachfolgende Kinder. Darum wenn in die Familie gibt es nur eine Kind, praktisch bei jeder Frau formt sich Programm von Vernichtung von Kinder, die nachfolgende und von dieses Kind einschließlich. Und wenn Mutter unterbewusst liebt Ihre Kind nicht, es ist der zukünftige Krebskranke, Diabetiker, Pädophil, Homosexuellst...und Verbrecher. Zuerst Verbrecher in der Seelenhöhe, Sünder- und dann Sünde verwandelt sich in das Verbrechen. Zuerst ist der Abschwörung von Liebe, dann Sünde in Form von anbeten von Genusse, neid, Gier und so weiter, und dann Sünde führt dazu, das Mensch beginnt Moralische Normen verletzen, administrative und dann auch kriminelle- mordet, vernichtet und weiter.
In Bibel steht über Gefahr von Abtreibung, in Bibel ist geschrieben von Verbrechen der heißt Mord, und dort steht auch, das für Verbrechen Mensch verantwortet adekvat. Bei uns für Abtreibung...Bei uns Abtreibung wird fast willkommen geheißen von Staat.
Aber das, das die jeder fünfte Frau stirbt während der Abtreibung ist der Bestrafung von Oben, für den Mord. Weil die Frau die Abtreibung macht, und vor allem wenn Sie Jung ist, wenn Ihre Organismus gibt sehr große Energie, da er ist bereit Kinder zu gebären und Sie entscheidet das später zu machen, und beginnt Abtreibungen zu machen- diese Frau schaltet ein Programm von Vernichtung nicht nur eigene Kinder, sondern auch sich selbst. Und diese Prozess deutlich und eng verbunden mit anbeten von Instinkten. So mehr Sie konzentriert sich auf Genuss, Essen und Sex, so schneller entscheidet sie sich für Abtreibung. So mehr Frau sich konzentriert auf das Geld, Wohl, eigene Bedeutung, eigene Bildung, Karriere, Perspektive- so sichere macht sie die Abtreibung. So mehr Frau anbetet die Instinkten-so mehr wird sie Ihren Mann hassen, der dieser Instinkten erniedrigt, um die Seele zu retten.
Und weiter ist der Weg in nichts.
Weiter es geht in der der Familie durch die Generationen, sammelt sich, und beginnt kollektive Unfruchtbarkeit. Oder Bevölkerung einfach stirbt von irgendeine Infektion... Jetzt war gerade virale Husten,. Über so was habe ich noch nie gehört in meine ganzes Leben. Man hustet, keine Fiber und nach drei Tage beginnt Lungenentzündung. So was gab es noch nie. Jetzt alle schlucken Antibiotika. Und warum- ich habe eine interessante Hypothese Abstammung der Vieren.
Wissen sie woher stammen die Viren? Mensch selbst erstellt sie. Wenn beginnt eine gefährliche Tendenz von Entsagung die Liebe und Degradierung und mögliche zukünftige Tod,-wie kann man sich retten? Man muss Instinkten erniedrigen, muss Gesundheit erniedrigen, das Leben- Organismus selbst stellt die Viren her, die beginnen aktiv Organismus zu fressen und Organismus erinnert sich an die Liebe und wird gesund. Viren werden nicht nur in Labor hergestellt, sondern auch in Körper von Mensch, als schütz. Jetzt Epidemien werden immer gefährlicher und stärker, weil so stärker Mensch anbetet die Instinkten, so schwächer wird die Seele, so stärker fällt die Energie, schwächer wird Immunität und jeder Infekt wird unglaublich stark...Dazu müssen wir bereit sein. Also für der Anfang, alle Momenten, wenn Sie würden geheilt durch die Erniedrigungen die Seele, durch die Erniedrigung die Instinkten- müssen Sie annehmen als Rettung von unsere Göttliche "Ich", wie Bereinigung von Liebe zum Gott- bitte...".

Марианна - включил перевод - Аборт - и здесь - Переводы на немецкий язык / Deutsch-Übersetzungen

Ещё раз огромное спасибо!!! :rose:

Марианна - и если не трудно - будет такая же небольшая просьба, как и к Сириусу - для Главной - но уже немецкоязычной - - перевести на немецкий этот эпизодик (и потом там уже начну формировать блок чисто немецкоязычных статей - 2 статьи уже практически есть - по ГМО и Абортам... :smile: ):
Wiki-DK — это мультиязычная вики-энциклопедия, посвящённая тематическому обобщению результатов исследований, изложенных в книгах и видеосеминарах автора серии работ «Диагностика кармы» и «Человек будущего» Лазарева Сергея Николаевича.


Вроде всё включил переведённое - всем участникам процесса ещё раз огромное спасибо!!! :smile:

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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#12 Sirius » Сб, 17 января 2015, 6:38


просьба, по возможности, вот этот небольшой кусочек
Wiki-DK is a multi-language wiki encyclopedia dedicated to the thematic synthesis of research results, set forth in the books and videoseminars of author of a series of works "Diagnostics of karma" and "Man of the future", Lazarev Sergey Nikolaevich.


Лазарев С. Н., Москва, 27.05.2007 г.

Lazarev, S. N., Moscow, 27.05.2007,

Now the technical possibilities let do with food that there is no kind of control to have time to moderate it. Now food begins killing ourselves by food additions, food colorants, GMO, conserving agents and so on. Everyone sees that, but can do nothing about.

Now we got genetically modified products. So this is related to cancer diseases. These products have mad energetics. They focus on the wishes terribly strongly.

But no one writes - "genetically modified," they write - "there are herbal supplements". Having translated into our normal language it means "there is a genetically modified product". We are deceived. Now - you understand - this is called civilization overtook culture. So I opened the site "People and regime", to collect information on surviving. Where any inscriptions to systematize and explain the inscriptions on food. However, people not involved yet... I intended to close it, but yet decided to let there.

There are some basic nuances. Yes - human energetics is important. But if you eat a large portion of the poison every day, you can die, despite your good energetics.

So horrific things, that is now done with the food, is slow, unnoticeable extermination of people.

The information in the food is extremely important. Why does it said in the Old Testament, "do not cross animals, don't cross even plants, don't plant different varieties closely? Because when mixing human energetics interferes in there, and with it - wishes, covetousness, concentration on the fate.

The holy could be allowed to breed animals and engage in plant breeding. However, look, who does engage in it? I apologize... Hence there are problems. And energetics of the scientist - all his greed will appear in the seeds that he had sown, and will develop greed and hatred in us. It's sad, but it's true...

Therefore, we have to realize that peace is not only the subjects and substance. The world is energetics, the world is information. And the ecology of the soul must be in the first place. But now the ecology of the soul is in danger of being destroyed through the information that is in food".

Лазарев С. Н., Германия, 13.10.2007 г.

Lazarev, S. N., Germany, 13.10.2007,]

"Occidental civilization is materialistic one. And materialism of Occidental civilization has led to the fact that only the material side of the product is estimated. And the basic information and energy is thrown out. Terefore, the West, going mad on the material aspect of the product, is starting to destroy itself, because there is decreasingly less and less energy in product in favor of external qualities.

Chemical treatment of the product is destruction of its information and energy.

Nutritional supplements is generally a disaster. And GM supplements is the gross destruction of the information aspect - most important one in the product, as a result of a human's interruption.

So, it turns out that the strategic survival depends on information essence of the product.

Consuming the product, human, or any living creature takes in itself its information. And in GMO there is horrifying information at all.

So, in essence, now the Occidental civilization destroys itself more and more through the food. It visibly wins in the present, destroying its future. I'll give a classic example. The Occidental civilization is a human who sees the products in the pantry, and who enjoys their views - cause it is the meaning of his life, he'll never keep it for winter: he will devour it all now and will die in winter. That's the future of Occidental civilization".

Лазарев С. Н., Германия, 14.10.2007 г.

Lazarev, S. N., Germany, 14.10.2007

"Therefore it is extremely dangerous to climb... For instance... In Judaism it is said - even different varieties of plants is not allowably to plant closely. Why? Quantum physics says - when you look at the electron, it is already changing his position. The observer affects the position of the electron. What does this mean? This means that the observer is the field, and the electron is the field. And when one field is in contact with the other, there is the interaction. That is, quantum physics speaks the language of science: when the observer observes the particle, it is already changing... It begins as if to crawl, and it becomes impossible to perceive it...

It is absolutely unclear, if we proceed from the material world. But when you take it to the field layer, everything becomes clear - the field interacts with the field. The changes immediately begin. That is, the observer affects the object at which he looks.

So why we shouldn't mix the grain? Because when we are going to plant grain, it has the energetics of its owner. The owner is related with it. Subconsciously, he is constantly monitoring his area. He invades the energetics of the grain. When grains are mixed, the destruction of protection happens, and the grain becomes open to negative influences. And energetics of the owner can come in there. While inside there's greed, selfishness and so on. Eating products from such grain is having the problems.

So imagine what is happening with GM products when the researcher crossbreeds the plants, having some unknown soul and unknown programs. He influences on process with his biofild and its programs, and then this product will strengthen these programs. But his program - that is dying, in fact".
...и пока на улицах Манилы грязно, мир устоит.
Откуда: Москва
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#13 AKRESS » Сб, 17 января 2015, 11:18

Sirius - слов нет - одни эмоции - вы вдвоём с Марианной прям основные двигатели иноязычного прогресса Вики-ДК... :drink:

Я аж где-то неловко себя чувствую - пора браться за украиноязычные переводы - всё, на шо я способен... :-D
Последний раз редактировалось AKRESS Сб, 17 января 2015, 11:37, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#14 Авалока » Сб, 17 января 2015, 11:36

AKRESS, а авто перевод не быстрее будет? вроде в русском и украинском порядок слов и падежей во многом совпадает, так что автоперевод только чуть править надо и всё.
Когда молодыми мы были богами — нас не волновало, что станется с нами! И в том, что мы делали — не сомневались, все двери — одна за другой — открывались!
Авалока M
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#15 AKRESS » Сб, 17 января 2015, 11:38

Авалока писал(а):AKRESS, а авто перевод не быстрее будет? вроде в русском и украинском порядок слов и падежей во многом совпадает, так что автоперевод только чуть править надо и всё.

Так так я и делал уже - :yes: - авто - потом доводишь до ума... :smile:
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#16 Sirius » Сб, 17 января 2015, 14:25


на здоровье :) чем можем...

А украинский перевод меня порадовал! Особенно понравилось "Що?" в исполнении С.Н.Лазарева)))) так и вижу, как он прикладывает ладонь к уху...)))))))
...и пока на улицах Манилы грязно, мир устоит.
Откуда: Москва
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С нами: 18 лет 8 месяцев

Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#17 AKRESS » Сб, 17 января 2015, 15:34

Sirius писал(а):Особенно понравилось "Що?" в исполнении С.Н.Лазарева)))) так и вижу, как он прикладывает ладонь к уху...)))))))

:grin: :-D
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#18 Марианна » Сб, 17 января 2015, 16:52

AKRESS, :smile: всегда пожалуйста
Wiki-DK — это мультиязычная вики-энциклопедия, посвящённая тематическому обобщению результатов исследований, изложенных в книгах и видеосеминарах автора серии работ «Диагностика кармы» и «Человек будущего» Лазарева Сергея Николаевича.

Wiki-DK- das ist multisprachige Wiki-Enzyklopädie, die thematischen Zusammenfassung Forschung Ergebnissen die dargelegt in Bücher und Video-Seminaren von dem Autor Buchserien "Karma- Diagnostik" und "Mensch der Zukunft" Lazarev S.N., dient.

Добавлено спустя 17 минут 52 секунды:
AKRESS, там кажется и картинки сбоку можно добавлять? Для статьи "Аборт", возможно тебе понравится... мне как-то очень запомнился памятник нерожденным детям:

Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#19 AKRESS » Сб, 17 января 2015, 19:00

Марианна писал(а):Wiki-DK- das ist multisprachige Wiki-Enzyklopädie, die thematischen Zusammenfassung Forschung Ergebnissen die dargelegt in Bücher und Video-Seminaren von dem Autor Buchserien "Karma- Diagnostik" und "Mensch der Zukunft" Lazarev S.N., dient.


Марианна писал(а):AKRESS, там кажется и картинки сбоку можно добавлять? Для статьи "Аборт", возможно тебе понравится... мне как-то очень запомнился памятник нерожденным детям:

А... Погляжу - чё там - с картинками этими... :smile: :ninja:
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#20 Авалока » Сб, 17 января 2015, 19:56

nice topic, thx 2 all
Когда молодыми мы были богами — нас не волновало, что станется с нами! И в том, что мы делали — не сомневались, все двери — одна за другой — открывались!
Авалока M
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Re: Please help in translation from Russian into English

#21 Sirius » Вс, 18 января 2015, 19:13

Хотел продолжить переводить, но при заходе в вики-ДК там написано
"Период регистрации домена истек! Для продления обратитесь к регистратору."
...и пока на улицах Манилы грязно, мир устоит.
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