Good Old Rebel (Novorossiya Edition)

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Описание: dedicated to Diagnostics of Karma by S.N. Lazarev

#1 acolyte » Вс, 28 июня 2015, 22:12

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I’m a Russian rebel.
Now, that’s just what I am.
Not a Black man, not a Chechen,
not any other man.

I fought the Junta’s power
when it came my way.
In battle, un-regretting,
I’d give my life away.
And to hell with Ukraine
And to hell with your Maidan.
No longer united
Can it be ever again.
Right there, I send the States
And NATO completely.
The blue and yellow banner.
That one, especially.
Side to side with Strelkov
we held our Sloviansk.
I was wounded and contused-up
in the battle for Lugansk.
And as for their “three-hundreds”,
we’ve lost count long before.
But we killed the Ukrops
and I sure would kill some more.
And thousands of Ukrops
Were lain down in our fields;
On road-blocks, in trenches,
In city battles here.
From Russian-made weapons,
They made hasty retreats.
Though we would kill a million,
finding them would be a feat.
I can’t take up my AK
And kill ‘em anymore.
But this shame does not mean
I’ll ever love those damned Ukrops.
I don’t want forgiveness
For the things I’ve done.
I’ll always remain
The person I then was.
I’m a Russian rebel.
Now, that’s just what I am.
Not a Black man, not a Chechen,
not any other man.
I fought the Junta’s power
When it came my way
In battle, un-regretting,
I’d give my life away.

In battle, un-regretting,
I’d give my life away.
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С нами: 12 лет 8 месяцев

Re: Good Old Rebel (Novorossiya Edition)

#3 acolyte » Вс, 28 июня 2015, 22:23

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Темы: 34
С нами: 12 лет 8 месяцев

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