The attitude of Russian Orthodox Church to the books by S. Lazarev

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Описание: dedicated to Diagnostics of Karma by S.N. Lazarev

#1 Лесник » Пн, 12 января 2015, 17:49

The attitude of Russian Orthodox Church to the books by S. Lazarev

What is the attitude of Russian Orthodox Church to the series of books 'The Clean Karma' by S. Lazarev?

Dear Rostislav,
Lazarev, as many others, uses extrasensory abilities of man. He calls them 'the field' or 'karma' (i.e. quite different from their meaning in Hinduism). He uses his field as an instrument, by which he interferes into the field of his patient and tries to correct it. Lazarev does not prove that his corrections are true or adequate. He proceeds from his subjective experience and assures the reader that his experience is right. But Lazarev does not explain what gives him such confidence. He just suggests us to trust him, to believe in him. And many do. One should be afraid of such doctrines as of the dangerous and insolent intrusions into the inner world of man without God. Only the One Who created man can cure him.

Priest Andrey Logrus

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I've read the books of Lazarev 'The Diagnostics of Karma'. The main cause of recovery as the author sums up is the love to God and to one's neighbour. At the same time he operates such concepts as reincarnation and some other Buddhist motives. What should be the attitude to his activity?

Dear Ighor,
The books of Lazarev are influenced not only by the Buddhist doctrine, but by the Christian as well, since there is the theme of repentance. But basically he is a liar, because he won't tell by what forces he cures. These are not human forces and not God's forces, but of spiritual quality, so they are 'dark' forces.

Priest Andrey Logrus

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I've read your answer on the question about Lazarev's books:
The books of Lazarev are influenced not only by the Buddhist doctrine, but by the Christian as well, since there is the theme of repentance. But basically he is a liar, because he won't tell by what forces he cures. These are not human forces and not God's forces, but of spiritual quality, so they are 'dark' forces.
Why do you think the author won't tell by what forces he cures? He tells about it in his books on every page. Many times he had told that he didn't cure, but helped the patient to recover. What is the ground for such an opinion? If the author himself tells that one cannot recover without love to God, why do you call him a liar?

Dear Yegor,
I really think he is a liar, because he tells about correction of the field of man. He intrudes with his hands and his mind into the space of human soul, he tells about straightening, correcting karma. It's him who corrects it. He knows that he intrudes into the soul of man, not revealing how deep and in what way he enters the inner world of man. He acts occultly, because firstly he doesn't fully understand himself what he is doing, and secondly, he doesn't tell a man what he's doing. He tries to explain rationally what his hands and mind do. His gift surpasses his understanding, that is why his books are lie and his practice is dangerous. He doesn't quite understand what he is doing. He acts blindly. And his forces aren't purified from the sin.
God had given no right to anyone to intrude into the privy rooms of the human soul, except the saints, and only by the special benevolence. And Lazarev doesn't strive to purification and sanctity, though he tells about repentance.
But the Lord can create the good from the evil, correcting the evil by His Wisdom. I know and witness: many people, directed by Lazarev to repentance, remained in the Church forever!

Priest Andrey Logrus

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What is the right attitude to the content of The Diagnostics of Karma by Lazarev?

Simon, a Moscow student

Dear Simon, you should regard it as a doctrine containing an idea of reincarnation, which was denounced by the Church at the fifth Oecumenical Council. Lazarev does not suggest anything new: partially there is some echoing of Gnosticism, though I doubt that he should know such a word at all, partially the motives from Blavatskaya and theosophy at a very primitive level. If you'd like to read a refutation of the similar doctrines (more serious than Lazarev's one), I can recommend you a book by Deacon Andrei Kuraev "Satanism for Intellectuals"

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Tell me please, how to regard the activity of Lazarev and his books The Diagnostics of Karma?

Dear Vlad,
Answering your question:
Lazarev himself often emphasizes that his conception has been formed in the process of extrasensory and bioenergetics practical work with patients, and confesses that on his way to bioenergetics he learnt the magic techniques and witchcraft (The DK. Book I, p.7). Developing his theory he derived much from the occult practices. It's impossible to enumerate all the diversity of occult and spiritualist methods and techniques used by Lazarev (it would take half a page), but what is important here - Lazarev took for the basis what God unambiguously prohibits. Thus, the doctrine of Lazarev contradicts to Orthodoxy and can bring nothing except the death of a soul.

Best wishes,
Hegumen Aleksey, Superior of the monastery

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On my way to Orthodoxy I have collected lots of books from Roerichs and Gurdzhiev to Lazarev and the manuals on regular mode of living like those by Malakhov and Shatalova, not to mention the fiction like Richard Bach or Konkordia Antarova ('Two Lives'). Should I destroy all that? Won't it be an act of vandalism? These are the works of people who were seeking for truth, and its grains are scattered everywhere.

Dear Irina,
In the Acts we read that after the sermon of Paul at Ephesus (Acts19.19.). Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.
Was it an act of vandalism? The grains of truth are scattered everywhere and are often mixed with lie. Will you keep a barrel of honey with a spoonful of tar in it? Evil often hides under disguise of truth. Whether it was a deliberate deception or sincere delusion - leave it on the conscience of those seekers of truth you've listed. God alone knows. But I think it isn't worth while collecting rejected delusions. If you keep such literature it can avert somebody from Orthodoxy and prevent to learn the truth.
Of course there are works of fiction, whose authors were also mistaken in their searching of truth, but which, nevertheless, rank among the treasures of world literature. I'm not speaking of them.

Let God instruct you.

With love of Christ,

Archpriest Arkadiy Shatov

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And once more, to be sure:

'Is it obligatory to burn the occult literature (astrology, R.Bach etc) or can I destroy these books by tearing them into pieces?'

Though the Bible often mentions burning the books in the (Acts 19.19): "Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver",
but you can throw out the soul-deranging literature into the dust-bin, tearing it into pieces beforehand, so that they could seduce no one again.

With love of Christ,

Archpriest Arkadiy Shatov

Πυξίδα μου, Κύριε, με τη δύναμη του Τιμίου και Ζωοποιού Σταυρού, Σου, και σώσε με από κάθε κακό
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Re: The attitude of Russian Orthodox Church to the books by S. Lazarev

#3 Marina77 » Сб, 21 февраля 2015, 0:33

Why in English?
All of these questions and answeres where in Russian, as I understand...
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Re: The attitude of Russian Orthodox Church to the books by S. Lazarev

#4 Amber » Сб, 21 февраля 2015, 1:25

Marina77 писал(а):Why in English?
Because this is English subforum.

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